7 Traits of the Highly Effective Kingdom-Driven Mompreneur - How to Succeed in Business & Life

7 Traits of the Highly Effective Kingdom-Driven Mompreneur

A Kingdom-driven mompreneur is a woman who is motivated to run a Kingdom business. Kingdom businesses are businesses that focus on providing value and serving others well in order to...

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How to Have a Great Summer - Thrive Instead of Just Surviving It

How to Have a Great Summer - Thrive Instead of Just Surviving It

Covid brought so many changes to our schedules over the past year. Many of us have balanced working from home, raising our kids, and taking care of a household.

Although many...

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Your Business is Your Ministry: How God can FREE You and Impact the World through Your Business

The Gospel message tells us that we have freedom in Christ and the Great Commission tells us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations.

So what does this have to do with your business?

Your business is run by YOU. And you - a...

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How YOU May Be Stopping Yourself from Finding Success & Joy

Oh sweet mama,

If you are anything like me, you have a lot going on. #amIright?!

I don’t have to remind you that you have a lot on your plate. 

As mothers and business owners, we have so much to balance that it can be completely...

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How to Build a Business that Runs like a Well-Oiled Machine ā€¦so you can make more while you work less

Running a business is hard.  

There are lots of things to juggle and get done.... and lots of people to please.

If you feel like you're working really hard but hardly getting anything achieved, you may need to get back to the basics.
A lot...
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Make This The Year You Finally Start Your Dream Business

Businesses are in a strange place right now. While some small businesses have faltered or failed in the last year, other businesses (especially online businesses) have taken off. Although common sense might suggest otherwise, historically...

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4 Ways You Can Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

4 Ways You Can Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet 

By February, most people have forgotten the resolutions they made on New Year’s Day. In fact, only ten percent of people work toward their resolutions for more than a couple of months. Over...

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My Top 4 Productivity Tips to Maximize Your Day

Maximize Your Day with These 4 Productivity Tips

Motherhood and business ownership comes with a never-ending flurry of activity. You know what I’m talking about.  Not to mention time for self, marriage and other priorities including...

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The Four Types of Freedom You Need in Order to Live Life on Your Own Terms and Truly Enjoy Your Life

Business owners and moms often feel stressed or unfulfilled because they feel trapped by their schedules. I have found through my own personal experience and evolution that in order to live a life that is in alignment with your true self, you need...

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Why You Havenā€™t Accomplished Your Goals in the Past and What to do about it


Do you set a lot of goals, but rarely follow through to achieve them?

If you answered yes, you are not alone.

According to scientific research, only 8% of people actually achieve their...

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Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST