How I Would Do Things Differently if I were to Start All Over Again in My Business

Who doesn’t love to ask “what if?” As I reflect on my business over the years, I’ve thought a lot about what things I’d do differently. Although I fully appreciate everything I have encountered and experienced in my journey and I wouldn’t actually change anything, I want to use the mistakes I made to empower other women, and especially moms, like you to make the best possible choices when building your own business.


How I Built My Business
Growing up in Ghana, West Africa I always dreamed of starting my own business. The idea of starting my own business and creating something of my own has always appealed to me.

Fast forward years later, I moved to America for college and upon graduation (and with multiple internships at investment banks under my belt) I proceeded to do the expected and began climbing the corporate ladder. It was through an executive MBA program that one of my employers sponsored me on that my interest in entrepreneurship was reignited.

When I had my second child at 27 weeks, I was crushed when it came time for me to go back to work.  She had spent the first two months of her life in NICU and I had only just had the chance to fully enjoy having her home for a mere 4 weeks when I had to return to work. It was brutal. I could barely concentrate because I wanted to give all my attention to my premature baby girl. It was during this time that I began to formulate my exit plan.

With the support of my husband, I eventually left corporate America and finally launched a new business. I was excited to finally be my own boss and have more control over my time so I could spend it on the people and things aligned with my values.  (Or so I thought!). Yet I found myself working even harder in my new business - and for less than the six-figures I was making in corporate!  Later, as I prepared to welcome our fourth child into the family, I realized I still didn’t have control over my time.

My wakeup call came when one day my daughter drew a picture of our family. Next to me was something that looked like a box. When I asked her what it was, she replied, “I drew you with your laptop because you are always working on it.”

Her comment gutted me.

That’s when I knew that I could no longer allow my business to take over my home life. And I knew that I needed structure in my business. I created systems and processes for myself (including hiring a manager) that allowed me to run my business without spending all my time working on it myself. From that experience, I learned the importance and necessity of creating a business that fit my lifestyle and not a lifestyle made to fit my business.


7 Things I’d Do Differently
This is the abbreviated version of my entrepreneurial journey to give you an idea of where my passion for my current online coaching business came from. You can read more about my journey on the “About” section of my website by clicking here. Although there are more things I could include, below are seven things I’d do differently if I were starting my business all over again.

1. I’d get clear on my WHY.
I would make sure deep down I knew why I was starting my business and what my overall mission, vision, and values were. I'd get really clear on my big "Why" earlier on and most importantly, made sure it was in alignment with my God-given calling, so that I would have had an anchoring purpose to guide my actions better. This would have prevented me from launching a business that was misaligned, and ending up doing so much work that wasn’t making any real progress toward my overall Kingdom vision and goals. 

2. I’d start a business that’s truly aligned to me and my God-given purpose.
I’ve learned a lot about myself, including my personality, strengths, passions, and purpose. Most importantly, I know my identity in Christ and what He created me to do. If I had a chance to start again, I’d spend more time learning how to better incorporate my faith and purpose into my business.

My first business was a paint and sip store. Although I learned so much from the experience, that business was not at all aligned with my personality or purpose.  I am so much happier now to be doing meaningful work that is aligned with my 4Ps (passion, personality, power (strengths) and purpose.  If you are reading this and realizing that your current business is also not a fit for your 4Ps, let me reassure you that all is not lost. You just need to be open to it, but you can absolutely make changes to it to fit your overall purpose in life.

3. I’d learn how to get things done efficiently and effectively.
Time management has allowed me to manage my energy and resources. It’s allowed me to be a good steward of everything I have, ensuring that everything is working toward my core priorities. I am so happy to have acquired the skills now that enables me to run my current business in less than 15hrs a week!

4. I’d establish the right systems earlier.
When I didn’t have the right systems in place, I was disorganized and overwhelmed. I needed systems to hire, train, and develop the right staff.

Systems provide you with a clear and effective way to manage your work as a CEO. My systems now have allowed me to discern which tasks I need to do and which ones I need to delegate. I’ve also learned to automate tasks that need to be done a lot.

5. I’d develop my leadership and team development skills earlier.
I had to learn to lead myself, my team, and my family. If I were doing it over, I’d learn these things sooner. Essential to my business’ growth is the knowledge needed to incentivize and develop employees while creating a good work culture.

While I don't have employees now, leadership and team development skills allow me to successfully collaborate with and delegate to independent contractors to help offload the tasks that I need done.

6. I’d prioritize my family at every step.
When my daughter drew that picture of me with my laptop, it was a wakeup call. I knew I needed to implement systems that allowed me to prioritize my family better. Good systems can work in the home as well as your business. When you’re a mompreneur, it’s all connected, so you must prioritize what matters most.

Good systems at home can make your business better and good systems in your business can help at home. When your systems in both places are good, they help free up time, so you can prioritize what matters most.  And ultimately THAT is what matters. 

Your home is such a critical piece of your overall wellness & your home can set you up to be even more successful in everything you do outside of your home. In fact, I always say that prioritizing and cultivating a happy home is one of the best strategies and competitive advantages for your business! (Next to partnering with God!)

7. I would have hired a coach and joined a like-minded entrepreneurial community.
It’s so important to find mentors who have gone before you and done the thing you desire to do, to hand hold and support you along your own journey!  Additionally, having the support of a community with like-minded individuals will catapult and accelerate your journey. You know what they say: If you want to go fast go alone; if you want to go further go together! It is so true! Community is key.  God built us for community and when we get together in community - even if it is partnering with a coach 1-on-1 - multiplication happens! It's a Kingdom principle. I wish I would have hired a coach to help me through those early days of business. That would have helped a ton, and saved me a lot - not just financially!

Even if I’d do things differently, I don’t regret a thing. Truly. Every mistake I made has led me to where I am today. Those mistakes have ignited my passion for helping other mompreneurs avoid the mistakes I’ve made.

The thing about God is that nothing is ever wasted! Nothing is wasted in the Kingdom.  Everything you go through can - and will - be used for your good and His glory, if you are willing to recalibrate back to purpose.  We are human and will veer off course sometimes, but God can always redeem and restore as needed.

And for me, what that experience taught me is that despite the mistakes made I can boldly walk in my Kingdom vision, taking obedient and sometimes messy action! As long as my heart is open and aligned with Him, I can be rest assured knowing that it will all work out.  And usually, things will end up even better than I could have even imagined or dreamed!

In my social media post yesterday, I mentioned a program I have been putting together to help mompreneurs like you build their businesses in less than 15hrs a week. I created this program to teach you how I have done it so that you too can grow your purpose-driven business (in less than 15hrs a week) that give you the work-life balance you need while glorifying God in and outside your home.

If you are a Christian mompreneur who wants to be doing more meaningful work through your own business, then I invite you to come work with me inside my 90-day "Blessed & Balanced Kingdom Boss Mom" 1: 1 coaching program.

Click the link above to learn more about this program.  I cannot wait to support you inside of it.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST