How to Get Organized and Plan Your Day Effectively

Planning your day effectively requires organization. Perhaps you already know this but don’t know how to actually make it happen. You may have tried various things but none of them worked, or even if they worked, you didn't stay consistent with it.  If that's you, you are not alone. Mompreneurs, like you, have so much on their plates: running a business, connecting with the spouse, taking care of kids, and creating a great home environment. It's a lot.

In today's blog post, I’m here to help with some of my best tips to help you plan your day more effectively. Even if you haven’t been as organized in the past, these tips and tools will help you be more organized in the future.


Start with a Mindset Shift
One of the most important steps is recognizing the need to be organized. Organization is critical for mompreneurs. When you’re organized, you’re able to be consistent. Organization allows you to keep track of tasks and appointments. It allows you to show up as your best self without dropping the ball.

When you know how important organization is, you’re more likely to follow through on organizational tasks. Even when things get difficult, you’ll recognize that organization will make your life easier.

1 Corinthians 14:33 says, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” In this passage, Scripture is talking about how worship should be organized and orderly so that God’s Word can be heard.

However, the same principles apply to your life. God doesn’t intend for things to be disorderly. I mean look at the world He created and the inherent order it possessed! We cannot grasp all of what God wants for us if we aren’t taking the time to carefully order our lives.


Time Blocking
Time blocking is one of the most powerful tools to help you maximize your productivity. Divide your day into blocks of time to complete certain tasks. This is a great way to order your week and breakdown your many projects into manageable, bite-sized pieces.

You won’t be as overwhelmed with everything on your plate when you break each part of your week into smaller blocks.

If you’re new to time blocking, start by scheduling larger blocks of time to do certain tasks. For example, you may set aside mornings for spending time with your children and tending to household tasks. Afternoons prior to kids getting home from school or even latter parts of your evenings may be set aside for business tasks.

It’s helpful if you can group similar tasks into time blocks. For example, you might set aside a block of time to work on household projects and meal preparation. Another block may be set aside to focus on replying to emails, making phone calls, or posting on social media.

Although mompreneurs are often master multitaskers, multitasking often slows down our effectiveness. Time blocking allows you to focus on one thing at a time. This lets you get the most out of the hours you’re awake.


Use Productivity Tools like Your Planner and Timer
Use a planner to plan out your time blocks for the week. A timer can also help you focus on productivity during your time blocks.

The Pomodoro method is a productivity method that helps people break up work into manageable pieces. Use a timer to do 25 minutes of work followed by a five minute break. When you’ve completed four 25-minute blocks, you can enjoy a fifteen minute break.

This can be helpful if you’re overwhelmed by big or difficult tasks. It’s easier to jump in when you know you only have to focus for 25 minutes.

If you don’t have a planner, I have a great planner to help you maximize your day. This FREE planner download is available here.


You’re in Charge
When you’re trying to plan and organize your day, it’s important to remember that you’re in charge of your actions and habits. Even if you’ve had poor organizational skills in the past, you can still rewrite your story and build healthy time management habits.

God provides grace for our past failures as well as the strength we need to build discipline today. The book of Proverbs is filled with wisdom about the importance of hard work. These proverbs are great for giving you a boost of motivation when you’re feeling low.

Hard work doesn’t have to mean difficult work. It's all about doing effective work; work that actually moves the needle in your business and gets you closer to your overall goals. When you maximize your effectiveness, it will be easier for you to balance your work and home life. Organization and time management skills allow you to get more work done in less time, an absolutely essential skill for mompreneurs.


I hope the information above helps you get started as you increase organization in your life. Even if you don’t have a track record of being an organized person, let me reassure you that organization is possible. When you plan and organize your schedule, you’ll be able to do more in less time, leaving you with plenty of time to enjoy quality time with family and friends.

Are you looking for more help managing everything as a mompreneur? I’m working on a few exciting things to help you be blessed and balanced in your business and home and cannot wait to share more. I'll be sharing more information on it to my email list as soon as I can, so if you are not yet on my list, sign up for my free planner download below and you will also be placed on my email list!

To get your own free digital copy of the planner, click here.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST