7 Traits of the Highly Effective Kingdom-Driven Mompreneur - How to Succeed in Business & Life

7 Traits of the Highly Effective Kingdom-Driven Mompreneur

A Kingdom-driven mompreneur is a woman who is motivated to run a Kingdom business. Kingdom businesses are businesses that focus on providing value and serving others well in order to glorify God and to advance His kingdom here on earth. Kingdom-driven mompreneurs want to make a kingdom impact and glorify God in and outside their homes.

We were created for an abundant life. Just like the Proverbs 31 woman, I believe we can do meaningful work that makes an impact, fulfills us, and provides a great income. All while still having the time and freedom to lovingly tend to ourselves, our homes, and most importantly our God-given purpose.

Below are my seven traits of highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneurs. These are also the seven components that make up my KingdomMBA program.  Through the course content and coaching in the KingdomMBA program, we work through these in detail and I teach you how to develop, strengthen and embody these traits. The acronym FREEDOM can help you remember these seven traits.

The Kingdom-Driven Mompreneur :-

Forms a Clear Vision for her Life

A highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneur is a woman who is focused on a clear vision for her life. This woman is one who spends time learning about herself and her role in God’s kingdom so that she develops a strong sense of purpose and a clear vision for her life.

If you’ve ever gone on a trip to a new place, you’ve probably either used a map or a GPS to help you navigate to your destination. If you got on the road with a vague sense of where you were going, you would likely end up lost.  Or end up somewhere you do not desire to be.

The same thing happens in our lives when we don’t have a clear vision for life. When we don’t have vision, we won’t have a clear sense of where we’re supposed to be going. Or doing.  Take time to really seek out that clear vision for your life, your family, and your business. Once you have that vision in place, getting to your destination will be a lot easier.

Rediscovers her True Identity & Reclaims her Power

A highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneur knows who and whose they are! This woman has fully stepped into their identity as a daughter of the KING. She knows that she can approach God’s throne with confidence, knowing that He loves her as a beloved daughter.  When you have the right belief and view as to who God is, the way you experience him drastically changes and it profoundly influences how confident you become in who you are, what you are called to do and how you get there!

For a woman who runs her own business, this identity will be an exciting journey and driving force in self-discovery. A journey into the Father's heart and what He dreamed for her when He created her.  And that includes for her business.  God becomes a partner in her business, a partner she goes to daily for fresh "divine downloads" - as I call them- and insights for her business.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago - Ephesians 2:10

That means she will stop acting in self-sabotaging ways that are contrary to her identity and that she will do the hard work of discovering her unique calling and how she can most effectively run her business and her household.  In order to represent His Kingdom well.

Empowers herself to Execute like a Boss

When a woman is a highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneur, she manages her time well and knows how to work efficiently and effectively to get things done.

Your level of success will only go as high as the systems, routines, and habits you have in place. To be highly effective, you need to be a good steward of your time.

This is a Kingdom attribute (and universal law)!  Stewardship is key. God will only give you what you can handle.  Let me say that again in another way.  God will only give you more if you are already stewardarding what you have well.  If you are not stewarding your time or what He has already given you well, you cannot expect Him to give you more.  A lot of the parables Jesus told was exactly about this: Stewardship.  We all know how those parables went and what happened to the servant that "hid their talents" and didn't steward what they got well.

The Kingdom-driven mompreneur is well aware that she has been given many gifts and talents, and that she is expected to steward these well.  She stewards her time and other resources well so that she can effectively utilize her resources for the good of others and the glory of God.

Establishes the Right Systems in her Business

The highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneur takes time to establish the right systems in the business that is right for her. It’s important that the business you get into is one that aligns with your vision and values, as well as your personality, passion, power (strengths) and purpose.  (I wish I had learned this prior to launching my brick-and-mortar business.  Because even if the business is doing really well, if it is not a right fit or aligned with your four P's (outlined above), it will not be truly fulfilling.  But thank God, that He can - and will - always use all your experiences for good and ultimately bring you to where you are supposed to be).  Once you’re sure your business is the right one for your life, you can work ON your business, not in it.

Because ultimately a business is supposed to be an asset, one that works for you instead of the other way around.  The right systems can help with that.

Setting up the right systems allows you to free up your time so that you aren’t chained to your business with no time left to enjoy the rest of life. While there will certainly be times where business requires a lot of time from you, future success in your business requires you to un-chain yourself from the daily demands of running a business so you can focus on its overall vision and strategy. That's how you standardize your business and give your customers consistent results and outcomes.  Systems run your business; people run your systems.

The kingdom-driven mompreneur establishes the right systems in place and [for some, eventually] hires the right people to help her business run well even when she’s spending much-needed time with her family.  She knows how to work ON her business instead of IN it.

Displays the Leader in Her

Highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneurs display the innate leader in themselves. They make sure to lead themselves, their business, and their home well.

I believe we are all called to lead, however only a few truly understand what leadership is and how to lead.

It’s never too late to learn some leadership skills. Even if you’re the only person currently working within your business, it’s important to learn how to be a leader. When you learn how to lead others, you’re equipped for the future growth of your business.  There are lots of resources out there, including my KingdomMBA program, that can help you become the best leader you can be.  Ultimately, everything will come down to your leadership so it is important that you develop this key skill.

The Kingdom-driven mompreneur understands this and so she invests the time to not only develop her leadership skills but ensures that she is displaying a Biblically-based leadership. Just like Jesus displayed.

Optimizes & Operates a High-performing Team

If you want to be a highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneur, you need to know how to work well with others. It’s important that you know how to bring out the best in others to help further their vision as well as yours. When you know how to work well with others, you can lead a team to success.

Recent developments in education have shown that individual children learn in ways that are unique to them. While one student may learn everything they need to know by reading the textbook, others learn better by listening and engaging in assignments. The same is true in your business. Your employees will work in different ways, and it’s important that you learn what motivates (or de-motivates) them so that you can help them find their role in running a high-performing team.

As the leader of your business, one of your most important roles is to inspire and develop your team.  When you team buys into your vision and is well-taken care of, they will in turn take care of your customers.

The Kingdom-driven mompreneur knows how build, optimize and operate her high-performing team well.


Makes her Home a Haven

A highly effective, kingdom-driven mompreneur devotes energy into making sure that her home is a haven for her, her spouse, and her children. It takes work to make your home a delight to be in, but it’s essential to make your home a haven that you and your family can return to after a long day.

Your home should – and can – be a happy haven that replenishes and fills you up for the great work that you do outside of it. Your time at home should equip you for your time at work. I am especially passionate about equipping mompreneurs with the tools and systems they need to cultivate a loving, peaceful home that they and their families will truly enjoy being in.  A home that rejuvenates and reflects God.

As we learn in Proverbs 31:15, the Proverbs 31 woman "rises early and provides food for her household and tasks for her maidens".  She takes care of her home prior to going about her business.  Her home comes first.

The Kingdom-driven mompreneur prioritizes her home and makes sure it is well taken care of even before her business.  She makes her home a haven, a place where her family is heard, affirmed, valued, enlightened and nurtured.


I created my KingdomMBA program intentionally to help mompreneurs like you. It is a Christ-centered space and program for aspiring and current mompreneurs who are committed to learning proven business strategies AND Biblical principles in order to grow and strengthen their faith, family, and [business] fortune. Through the course curriculum and coaching in the KingdomMBA program, I teach you how to activate your Kingdom purpose and calling, build a purpose-driven and profitable business and cultivate a happy home. It is carefully designed to help you have a Kingdom impact, glorifying God in your business and at home.

I will be opening up my first group coaching program in September.  I am offering a group program in addition to my one-on-one program because I believe in the power of community, and in the power of having like-minded moms alongside you on this journey.  I have experienced the power and accountability of doing a group program alongside others and want to create the same blessed experience.  After all, where two or three are gathered in His name, He is there!

Learn more about my KingdomMBA group program here.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST