Union with Christ: The Foundation of our Faith

What it Means to be a Disciple of Christ: Union with Christ

Today's blog post was inspired by a comment I received from an Instagram follower (if you are not following me on instagram, follow here) who DM'd me that she appreciated my linking...

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Lessons & Advice from the Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 Woman 

A lot has been said about the Proverbs 31 woman. As women, we look to the description of this woman in Proverbs 31 for inspiration.

Some say she was the mother or wife of Abraham, while others believe she was a...

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Possessing Your Promise ā€“ How To Activate Godā€™s Favor In Your Business (& Life)

Possessing Your Promise – How To Activate God’s Favor In Your Business (& Life)

I truly believe that we are all created with a purpose in mind.  And a promise that is already ours.  

We just need to possess it.

It reminds...

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3 Practical Tips for Building a Happy Home

3 Practical Tips for Building a Happy Home


Entrepreneurs spend countless hours investing in building a successful business. As important as it is to invest in your business, it’s even more important to invest in a happy home. After...

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Five Universal Laws of Success

The Universal Laws of Success - Ancient Wisdom and Values That Can Lead To A Life Of Great Success & Fulfillment

In their book The 25 Biblical Laws of Success, William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira explore 25 laws of success in the...

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The #1 Reason You Havenā€™t Achieved Your Dreams Yet (and What To Do About It)

The #1 Reason You Haven’t Achieved Your Dreams Yet (and What To Do About It)


People (mompreneurs included) give a myriad of reasons for why they haven’t reached success or fulfilled their long-held dreams: lack of time, lack of...

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Marriage According to the Gospel - Advice and Lessons from my imperfectly perfect marriage

Lessons and Advice from my imperfectly perfect marriage.


My husband and I celebrated 14 years of marriage this week.

14 years and 4 kids. We’ve weathered many things during these years: a bankruptcy after years of working together at...

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How to Set Up Your business to Thrive - especially after Covid

How to Set Up Your business to Thrive - especially after Covid

Covid-19 was hard on businesses across the country. Many small businesses faltered during this time. Now that Covid restrictions have been lifted in most areas, you may be looking for...

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The #1 Secret to Cultivating a Happy Home

How to Create a Home You'll Love 

Most small business owners spend a lot of time and energy creating a business they love. Don’t get me wrong: this is still really important. However, the point of running your own business is to give...

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Our Number 1 Calling as Moms

Our Number 1 Calling as Moms

The #1 thing you must do as a Christian mom. 

Moms are subject to an ever-changing set of demands and challenges. As your children grow, the daily responsibilities of a mother may develop and change. Yet as...

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Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST