Our Number 1 Calling as Moms

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2021

Our Number 1 Calling as Moms

The #1 thing you must do as a Christian mom. 

Moms are subject to an ever-changing set of demands and challenges. As your children grow, the daily responsibilities of a mother may develop and change. Yet as Christian mothers, we have one calling that comes before all others.  And that is: 


                           to disciple our kids and make Christ known to them.


We do so much to care for their bodies and their minds, but taking care of their souls is the greatest responsibility we will ever carry. As we make parenting decisions, the desire to make Christ known to them should always be top of mind.


The Biblical Mandate to Train Up Our Children

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse is one of many in Proverbs that serves to remind us of our responsibilities to our children.


I often hear people say that they want to raise their kids to be open-minded and to make their own choice regarding religion. However, that goes directly against what Scripture tells us (in verses like the one above). We are not meant to leave our kids to figure out their own salvation, leaving them to the schemes of the world and the enemy.


If we are not actively teaching our children, we leave them open to choosing an identity based on the world’s ideals. There will always be someone actively shaping their soul or influencing their salvation decision. As parents, it’s important that we’re making sure that person is us.


Parents typically go out of their way to teach things like healthy eating, how to behave according to society’s standards, how to love their sports teams, and more. So why do we leave them to make their own decisions when it comes to this most important decision? If you’re owning your responsibility as a Christian parent, you will work to shape your child by Christ’s standards.


What does it mean to train up a child?


  • It means you have a responsibility as a parent. They cannot be trained without someone to train them up. As a parent, you have a responsibility to teach and disciple them. While they may be mentored by other people, you are their only mother. Your training cannot be replaced.
  • It means that your training has lasting impact. While your children have free will that they may use to go their own way, your training can still have a lasting impact. As you teach your children, remember that what you teach them will shape them for the rest of their lives.
  • It means you have a responsibility to share your faith with your children. Statistics show that most people who come to faith in Christ do so when they are children. (Hence the instruction to teach them the way when they are young – I have come to find that a lot of Biblical teachings do make practical sense and are now being validated by research and that). Do not underestimate the power of teaching your children about Jesus and teaching them what it means to be a Christian.


Helping Your Children Develop Gifts and Talents

Another related responsibility as a mom is to help them uncover and develop their unique gifts and talents.  This is key because a person’s calling is tied to their gifts and talent.  When you figure out your calling and do work that is related to that calling, you find your purpose and happiness.


 Unfortunately, most people do not do the work involved to uncover these gifts and talents and end up as adults miserable in the work that they do.  Give your children a head start and important advantage in life by helping them discover theirs.  I remember even as a child my brother always wanted to be a pilot! He had such a passion for it and is now happy as a pilot.  He has also started a passion project helping kids develop and explore their love of all things aviation.  Discovering your passions and gifts as a child is such a huge blessing.


 Your children will be unique. One woman I spoke to told me about how her dad used to say that his four children were as different as North, South, East and West. Even though your children will have a similar upbringing, their personalities will shine in different ways.


It’s important to recognize the gifts each child has and help them to develop those gifts. While one child may have great skill in sports, another may have a talent for music or art. Allowing your child to invest in those talents now is a great way to help them develop skills that they can use down the road.


There are many ways you can help your children discover and develop their strengths: 

  • Use personality indicators. Resources like the Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and DISC have great resources to help your children discover their personality types and the strengths associated with them.
  • Find out what they’re passionate about. Younger children may not be able to benefit from personality indictor tests, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help them discover their gifts. Even young children will exhibit talent and passion for certain things. Do what you can to nurture those talents.
  • Let them try things (even if they’ll fail). If a child hasn’t found something they’re passionate about, help them try a variety of things. Each new experience will teach them (and you) something about their personality and strengths. 

Investing in your children does not just benefit their lives, but it is a sacrifice that allows you to store up treasures in heaven. As a mother, you sacrifice a lot in the care of your children in order to see them thrive. And it may even feel too much or overwhelming sometimes.  But remember this.  These sacrifices are not in vain.  You will be rewarded in eternity. 

Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.  – Col 3:24


The Danger of “Under-Mothering”

“Under-mothering” occurs when a mother is not fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother. Children who grow up without enough of a mothering presence in their life often feel lasting damage from this wound.


Some feel unable to turn to their mothers for help in their teenage years and adulthood. Others may feel like or worry that their mother is resentful of their presence. In the worst cases, children may feel nervous, anxious, or in danger around their mother. Some children grow up feeling like they had to take care of their mother rather than having their mother take care of them.


While these latter effects are worsened by clearly abusive situations, not having enough time to invest in your children can still cause immense harm. The moment your business (or anything else) becomes a higher priority than God and your family, you have become a slave to that thing. Be careful to not make an idol of your business.


Mompreneurs have so much on their plates. In addition to parenting and running a business, we’ve crowded our lives with meaningless activities and pursuits. When these things get in the way of our family relationships, we must simplify our lives. Everything that isn’t serving your family (and your business) should be removed in favor of things that truly matter.


Your number one priority as a Christian mother is to train up your children and help them know Jesus. Everything else must take second place to this goal.




If you’re like most mompreneurs, you know that there’s a lot of pressure to take care of your business, your children, and your home. Most planners and productivity structures will help you take care of tasks, but often at the expense of important spiritual care.


My Maximize Your Day Planner was created with your faith and your life in mind. This planner is a great resource to help you focus your schedule around what really matters. Download it here.  Next week, I’ll offer some concrete tips on how to build a happy home for you and your family.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST