How to Set Up Your business to Thrive - especially after Covid

How to Set Up Your business to Thrive - especially after Covid

Covid-19 was hard on businesses across the country. Many small businesses faltered during this time. Now that Covid restrictions have been lifted in most areas, you may be looking for ways to grow your business in a post-Covid world. 

Below are 4 ways to help your business thrive (in any season, but especially helpful now!).  


  1. Reevaluate your business and determine how you can provide value going forward.

How you conducted business before Covid may not work in these post-Covid times. Many businesses have found the need to conduct business online. Sanitation standards have also created new protocols for businesses. 

Take time to reevaluate your business plan. What new needs have arisen because of Covid? If there’s a way to pivot your business plan to address and serve these new needs, your business may thrive. 

Once you have a plan for how to provide value going forward, figure out the steps you’ll need to take to give that value to your customers. Plan your steps and create a roadmap to success for your business. 


  1. Determine your purpose and vision to create a mission-driven business. 

People who work for you want to be inspired by a great mission. Even if you don’t have any employees yet, tying your business to your personal purpose will fuel you to keep going when things are difficult. A clear vision can help you and your employees do what’s needed to make the business succeed. 

It’s important for believers to make sure that their business and its vision are rooted in doing what God has called them to do. When you’re being fueled by a vision given to you by God, you cannot fail. 

As believers, we trust that there is a bright future ahead. In Joel, the land was ravished by plagues of locusts. Yet Joel 2:25 relays the words of God: “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.” The past year and a half have certainly felt like a plague, with Covid-19 causing so much damage to lives and businesses. Yet we have faith that what has been broken will be restored by God. 

Even if you’ve made mistakes with your business or have seen it ruined, you can trust in the vision God has given to you. Once you’ve determined your life’s purpose, use that vision to create a mission-driven business. 

Your business should not only be a way to generate income for your family, but should be a way for you to live out God’s calling on your life.


  1. Learn how to lead well (yourself, your home, and your business). 

It isn’t enough to just lead. You need to learn how to lead effectively by communicating your business’ vision and mission. Your leadership should inspire others to help you execute your vision and mission.

A good leader is able to manage and motivate a team. They hire well and create systems to effectively train new hires. Many businesses are facing difficulties in the hiring process, as there seems to be a shortage of new hires. Good leaders will assess this situation and create new ways of hiring and onboarding employees.

Even if your business hasn’t grown to a point where you need to hire outside help, you still need to learn how to lead well. Learn to lead yourself by managing your time and the daily needs of your business. Good leadership skills will also translate into how you lead your home, caring for the needs of your spouse and children.


  1. Set up good systems, which are key for your business. 

A system is a series of steps that give your customers or clients consistent results or outcomes. Systems are how you standardize your business. These systems run your business while people run your systems.

If you’re going to grow your business, it’s essential to have the right systems in place. Implementing the right systems can be the difference between success and failure for your business. 

Customers will see what systems you have in place by how consistent their experience is with your business. Chick-fil-a is well-known for their fast and friendly service. Instead of saying “you’re welcome” when thanked, their employees are taught to say “my pleasure.” Small details like these are based on training systems used by Chick-fil-a. These systems ensure that customers have a great experience at any Chick-fil-a location. 

If you aren’t sure what systems you need for your business, hiring the right coach or mentor to help you is key. This type of coaching is a big part of what I do. But whether or not you hire me, it’s important that you find someone qualified to help you implement the right systems, in the right order, and correctly.



You don’t need to close down your business if you’ve had a hard time managing through Covid. In our post-Covid world, you truly can set up your business to thrive. Reevaluating your business can allow you to pivot to meet new needs. Creating a compelling vision and mission can help motivate you and your employees. Learning to lead well will help you communicate this vision. And finally, setting up good systems will help propel your business to success. 


If you are ready to implement the RIGHT systems in your own business (and home) so that you can free up your time and make more money in your business, click on this link to schedule a complimentary, 'no pressure' call with me.
On the call, we will assess and discuss your business pain points, and if you decide you want to work together to improve your business (and home) I'll share more about my KingdomMBA program.  
Even if we don't work together, you will still leave the call with VALUABLE insights that you can implement immediately.


Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST