Five Universal Laws of Success

The Universal Laws of Success - Ancient Wisdom and Values That Can Lead To A Life Of Great Success & Fulfillment

In their book The 25 Biblical Laws of Success, William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira explore 25 laws of success in the Bible. 

The laws of success are often translated into secular ideas. After all, most of what is used by new age thought is hijacked from the things of God. They merely remove any mention of God.   And credit the Universe instead of the Creator of the Universe.  Whether or not you believe in God, these laws apply to success (just like the law of gravity works whether or not you believe in it). 

I will not explore all of the laws laid out in the book, but will instead focus on 5 universally applicable laws of success.


  1. The Law of Opportunity

According to the book, the Law of Opportunity reminds us that “everyone, at some point in his or her lifetime, will have an opportunity to get ahead in life.” While our backgrounds, cultures, families, and skills will determine a lot in our lives, we all encounter opportunities to improve our lot in life.

This doesn’t mean that everyone will get the same opportunities or that all opportunities will easily translate to success. However, this law states that everyone will have opportunities in which they can take action to change the course of their lives (even if only in small ways). 

Even if you feel like your early life has not set you up for success, you can be watching for opportunities to grow. By watching for these opportunities and remaining ready to act on them, you improve your chances of success down the road.


  1. The Law of Planning

In Luke 14:28-32, Jesus talks about the value of planning. A man building a tower or a king going to war will not do so without careful planning. Jesus reminds believers that any monumental task worth taking on is worth taking the time to plan carefully.

Whether you’re in the process of starting a business or whether you’ve been in business a long time, you’ve probably learned the value of planning. Planning allows you to determine whether you’re able to start or scale your business. Having a clear plan also helps you execute and accomplish the goals you set for yourself while managing the rest of your life.

Planning long-term goals and short-term tasks is essential to building a successful business. Because I know the value of planning your day, I’ve created my Maximize Your Day planner that you can download and print here. Use this and other planning resources to make the most of your time.


  1. The Law of Work


Proverbs 14:23 says, “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” While this verse is not a promise of worldly success, it is a sobering reminder that all the talk in the world doesn’t mean anything if it isn’t backed by action.

The Law of Work reminds us that it takes hard  smart work to achieve anything in life. Although there will be times when our work comes to nothing or doesn’t materialize into success as quickly as we hope, we cannot reach our intended goals without putting in the work.

Success almost never happens by accident. As you create your business and make plans, make sure that your plans are paired with the right action and hard smart work.


  1. The Law of Recharging


In the Bible, we’re reminded repeatedly that God’s people are called to work six days and spend one day at rest. It is a biblical rhythm that allows God’s people to keep from burning out. 

It’s really tempting to keep going, especially when you have a to-do list a mile long. However, recharging is an important part of hard work. If you don’t have the physical and emotional resources to complete your work, you’ll find yourself burnt out and unable to work. 

Many people work unreasonable hours during the week, only to spend the weekend working even more to make their dream a reality. All too often, these individuals can end up with a major mental or physical health crisis that forces them to take time to rest.

You should have time every week for leisure, family, and rest. While recharging does not feel like it will lead to success, it directly impacts your ability to move toward success.


  1. The Law of Contentment


The Law of Contentment reminds us that it’s important to find contentment, no matter where we are on our road to success. By reflecting on what we already have, we’re able to receive new blessings with gratitude. 

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the grind of setting and reaching goals. Your business can always be bigger and you can always find more to do. However, your contentment will need to come from something outside of your success or you’ll never find contentment in the achievement of your goals. 

Many working-class people cannot fathom the riches of the ultra-rich. The idea of having a million dollars in the bank seems unattainable to many. Yet for those who have achieved this wealth, the desire to get more and do more continually can leave them unsatisfied.

While not all successful people are unsatisfied, people all too often buy into the lie that they need more than what they currently have. Finding contentment in what you have will allow you to find satisfaction in what is yet to come. Gratitude unlocks God’s blessings!

Want to get started on building a life of sucess?  Having the life you desire starts with making the most of your most precious asset - your time.  My “Maximize Your Day” Planner can help you plan your day and get more done. This planner has built-in sections to walk you through some of the universal laws we’ve explored above, along with bonus content to help you get the most out of this resource. 

Get started with this FREE planner. 



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST