My Top 4 Productivity Tips to Maximize Your Day

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2021

Maximize Your Day with These 4 Productivity Tips

Motherhood and business ownership comes with a never-ending flurry of activity. You know what I’m talking about.  Not to mention time for self, marriage and other priorities including your spirituality.  All of these things take time and planning.

It’s so important to be intentional in planning your day, which is why I created the Maximize Your Day Planner. Below are four productivity tips that are incorporated into that planner, helping you make the most out of your day.


1. Schedule time for planning and stick to it!

Every morning, sit down with your planner to plan out your day. As you fill in the tasks that need to be done (like taking your children to a doctor appointment or going to a networking event), you should focus on tasks that are the highest priority and that give the highest impact. Ask yourself what things really matter, then write them down and commit to doing them.

In Mark 1:35, we read, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Jesus knew the importance of spending time to focus on God and God’s will. While you probably can’t go off to a solitary place, you can take time in the morning to focus your day and your priorities on the things that matter most. 

It’s important that you keep your appointment with yourself every single morning (or evening, if that works better for you). Having time to yourself to plan each day is not easy when you have children. If your children are still very young, they may still determine your sleep schedule. In this case, you may need to set aside your first available time to plan your day. If you have older children, setting aside time might mean waking up at least fifteen minutes earlier.  I have gotten to the point where I aim to wake up at least an hour prior to the start of the day.

A morning routine is important for your well-being. I have several items listed for my ideal morning routine, but that doesn’t mean that I do every single item every single day. There are days when you may need to have an abbreviated morning routine because of the demands of motherhood. That’s fine. Do the best you can; but do prioritize this time. It is the 1% of your day that makes the 99% better.

Your morning routine will help you focus your mind and heart on the things that matter, fueling you for the day ahead. If you’re a woman of faith, your morning routine should be grounded in your relationship with God. Taking time to pray, meditate, and read Scripture is an important part of your morning routine.


2. Make the “daily fundamentals” a priority.

It’s easy to get caught up working on your high priority tasks. However, it’s important that you take the time for the “daily fundamentals.” On my planner, these fundamentals are things like eating meals, drinking water, getting enough sleep, working out, and spending time in meditation. By having a small section of my daily planner devoted to these fundamentals, I am more likely to take the time to do them.

In addition to these fundamentals, you may have specific needs for your well-being. For example, if you take medication, making sure you take your medication at the same time each day may be a fundamental for your health. Others may find that they’re most energized when they’ve had fifteen minutes to read a book or work on art. 

When you take care of your body, your mind, and your spirit, you’re better equipped for long-term effectiveness. By having a place to write down your “daily fundamentals,” you hold yourself accountable to taking care of yourself.


3. Carve out some time for YOU.

If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us about the importance of self-care. To increase your overall productivity, it’s important that you carve out some time for YOU. This isn’t meant to be time to complete tasks or work on big projects. This time you set aside is for you to do the things that give you life.

It’s easy to get caught up in completing tasks and taking care of everyone else. But at the end of the day, you’re still a person and you need to take care of yourself.

In my Maximize Your Day Planner, there is a section titled “Treat Yo’ Self.” This section has a list of self-care items. Try to check off a few of these things every day. Treating yourself to things you enjoy on a daily basis can help keep you motivated.

Next to the “Treat Yo’ Self” section is a section for you to write down what your favorite moment was during the day. It’s so important to give thanks for what you already have. When you take time to appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates.


4. Use time blocking to map out your day.

Plan out your day, determining what specific tasks you’ll do during specific parts of the day. Before you pencil in your to-do list, write down all of the fixed tasks: school drop off and pick up, errands, appointments, etc. Block out enough time for travel. I like to add a little extra time after picking up the kids from school, since this is a great time to have a snack, bond and reconnect with my kids.

When you take time to plan your day, you won’t have to think about what to do next. Your tasks will already be determined, eliminating decision fatigue and increasing productivity.

Once you have your fixed tasks penciled in, start filling in the rest of your time blocks with things you want to get done, starting with the most important tasks. When you prioritize the important tasks first, you’re more likely to get those tasks done.



Are you ready to get the most out of your day? My “Maximize Your Day” Planner can help you plan your day and get more done. This planner has built-in sections to walk you through the productivity tips we’ve explored above, along with bonus content to help you get the most out of this resource. 



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST