5 Obstacles to Overcome before Starting Your Own Business

Are you getting ready to start your own business? Last year I released a guide on how to make this year the year you finally start your dream business. Maybe the timing wasn’t right or things came up that prevented you from taking the next...

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How to Find a Great Business Idea to Start this Year

If you are like a lot of people -and that includes me! - you may approach the idea of coming up with a business the wrong way. All too often, people approach business planning with a self-centered approach. I have done this.


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Should You Start Your Own Business? How to Know If Youโ€™re READY for Entrepreneurship

It’s well into the new year, and many people are taking another look at their long-standing resolutions. For many people, becoming their own boss is at the top of their list of goals. Perhaps that holds true for you. However, not everyone is...

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The Real Truth about Business that Very Few People Talk About

I always knew I wanted to start my own business, even as a young girl living in Ghana, West Africa. When I was young, I learned about Richard Branson and his Virgin Empire after reading his book, Losing my Virginity. I was instantly hooked on the...

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Unfulfillment: What Happens When We are NOT Living in Our Purpose

Have you read The Purpose Driven Life? This book, written by Rick Warren and published in 2002, has touched the lives of many. In the book, the author reflects on the fact that our lives are a mere blip on the scale of eternity. Because of this,...

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Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST