Unfulfillment: What Happens When We are NOT Living in Our Purpose

Have you read The Purpose Driven Life? This book, written by Rick Warren and published in 2002, has touched the lives of many. In the book, the author reflects on the fact that our lives are a mere blip on the scale of eternity. Because of this, we’re called to use an eternal view to look at our lives.

When we stand before God, we will give an account of what we did with our time here on earth. Our mission and purpose in life is to glorify God and make Him known. However, each of us has a more specific purpose, something we’ve been called to do with our lives. We’re each designed to carry out specific work that God created us to do.


Purpose, Mission (Calling), and Assignments

There are a few differences between our purpose, mission (or calling), and assignments. Although most people use these terms interchangeably, it’s important to understand these differences before we can really talk about what it means to live out your purpose.

Your purpose is the reason you exist as a human being. As Christians, we know our purpose is to glorify God and point others to His saving grace.

Your mission or calling is the specific things you’re meant to do with your life. These things work together with your overall purpose, but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily called to become a vocational minister. Your personal calling might be to invest your talents into starting your own business.

Your assignments change throughout your lifetime. They are the situations, people, or jobs that come in and out of your life. For example, your current 9-to-5 corporate job might be an assignment. The difficult relative or nosey neighbor might be an assignment. Because assignments change, they are not the same as your mission or purpose.

You should not let your current assignment get in the way of your purpose and calling. It’s important to find work that fulfills your mission, as that will be more fulfilling than any passing assignment.


Out of Alignment

The unfortunate truth is that a lot of people are living out of alignment with their purpose and calling, which is why they feel unfulfilled. It has been said that out of the 7.8 billion people on this earth, only 5% even know what their purpose is.  And even worse, only 2.5% of people are actually living out their purpose. And that number may be even smaller than that! Look around at the stats or anecdotes of people in your own circle that hate their job and you will have anecdotal confirmation that these sad statistics are true. Even if you have a great job, any job that is outside of your purpose and calling will leave you yearning for something MORE.

Many people are drawn to build a business of their own. However, they might be scared to pursue it, since there are so many unknowns. This often leads them to question whether this desire is from God or from their own musings.

Here’s the thing: God puts desires in our hearts and it’s likely your desire to start your own business comes from Him. Think about it. Not everyone grows up wanting to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone wants to run their own business.

Most people are risk-averse and don’t want to deal with the stresses of starting a business. The fact that you have the desire to take those risks means God made you this way. He created you with specific desires, talents, and gifts. That includes the wiring and inclination towards business ownership. And therefore, it’s your sacred duty and responsibility to steward those things well.


How Do You Know If You are Meant for Business?

If you aren’t sure if you were meant to start a business, the following are a few signs that you might be hard-wired for entrepreneurship:

  • You’ve dabbled in an MLM (Mary Kay, Avon anyone??)
  • You’ve considered selling real estate (or have)
  • You hate having a boss
  • You want to be your own boss and set your own hours
  • You’ve had - and constantly have - lots of business ideas
  • You enjoy reading about (and ‘following’) entrepreneurs and their journeys

If any of the above are true for you, you my dear are wired for business… and freedom!

I truly believe that owning your own business, especially an online business, is one of the greatest ways to live out your purpose and use your talents to SERVE others. When done right, it also frees you up so you have time to do all the things – including properly nurturing your home, marriage and kids - that make you feel fulfilled.

Starting your own business is a powerful way to free up time for God and your family.


FREEDOM to Live a Fulfilling Life

When done well, starting your own business can give you the freedom to live a life you really enjoy. It offers you the fulfillment you may not find in any other career.

If you have followed me for any amount of time, you know that I believe there are four types of freedom. These are the freedoms I have personally come up with:

  • Personal freedom: the freedom that comes by living in alignment with your true self and values.
  • Time freedom: the freedom to spend your time in alignment with your values and priorities.
  • Financial freedom: the freedom of having enough financial resources so that you get to make monetary choices based on your values and priorities and NOT be limited by your bank balance! (aka when your passive income is greater than your cost of living).
  • Purpose freedom: the freedom that comes from being completely aligned with your purpose and living in ease and grace, completely surrendered to something bigger than

To read more about these freedoms, check out this post I wrote about them here. I truly believe that owning your own business is one of the best ways to experience all four of those freedoms.

As moms, we can do meaningful work that makes an impact, fulfills us, and provides a great income… all while maintaining enough time and freedom to nurture ourselves, our homes, and our God-given callings.



I truly believe I was placed on this earth to give people the tools to change their lives and step into FULL FREEDOM by building the businesses of their dreams. I am especially passionate about helping moms like you build a business that is uniquely aligned to your God-given passions, personality, power (strengths) and purpose quicker and easier with simple, efficient systems. At the same time, equipping you with the support, structure and systems (again!) you need to create a home you truly enjoy being in and be the wife and mom you’re called to be.

All so that you can finally achieve the flexibility, freedom and fulfillment you desire and deserve!

As moms, we’re called to be an example for our kids. We want to encourage them to chase their dreams and live up to their full potential. One of the most meaningful ways to do this is by chasing our own and living up to our own. 

I truly believe God is stirring up the desire for entrepreneurship in this season and calling on His people to step into their callings as purpose-minded, Kingdom-driven entrepreneurs.

Will you accept the call?

I hope so!  Because when a child of God steps fully into their calling and creates wealth (in all areas, not just financially), they have the power to change lives, legacies, and generations. And when this happens, the Kingdom of God is advanced around the world.

If you are currently in a job that is leaving you unfulfilled and you want to know what the next best step is to take to realize your dream of business ownership this year, book a 20min "Freedom Activation Call" with me to learn more about my proven framework for planning what your next steps should be.

I’m so passionate about moms doing work that fulfills them and finances their goals that I am looking to work with 5 people to create and execute a step-by-step PLAN to exit their unfulfilling job within their desired timeframe.

If you are a go-getter mom who is tired of the stress, inflexibility and unfulfillment from working a job that is not aligned to your passion, personality and purpose and you are READY to reclaim your time, maximize & monetize your talents and live life on your own terms then this is for you.

Book your complimentary call with me to chat about your goals and next steps, and how I can help you achieve them faster.

I get questions all the time about how I was able to successfully leave my 6 figure corporate job and launch a brick and mortar as well as an online business…  so I have finally put this program together to help you do the same WITHOUT making all the mistakes I made or sacrifice time with your family or your finances.

Click here to book your complimentary call. 

It is time for you to reclaim your time, maximize & monetize your talents and finally live life on your own terms!




Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST