How to Find a Great Business Idea to Start this Year

If you are like a lot of people -and that includes me! - you may approach the idea of coming up with a business the wrong way. All too often, people approach business planning with a self-centered approach. I have done this.

You may start by thinking about and focusing on just yourself and your preferences… and that is great, if you’re picking a hobby!

But when it comes to business, you need to think about your customer and what they want first. You need to get into their minds and figure out what problems they need solved.

There will always be businesses that come up with novel ideas and solutions for problems customers didn’t even realize they had. Apple is one company that comes to mind. People didn’t realize they wanted or needed computers in their pockets, but Apple produced the first smartphones. Today, lots of people carry them!

Yet, even Apple has a customer-centered mission. As of 2021, their mission statement is “to bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.” So even in their case, their novel products come from their desire to help other people succeed.

Start with God

As a Christian mompreneur, it’s essential that you start with God for your business idea. Figure out what it is that He has uniquely created and gifted you to do. When you know how you’re wired and what your strengths are, you will have a better sense of what you’re meant to do.

Take a hard look at the experiences and journey God has brought you through. Sometimes we can pull the most meaningful business ideas out of our mess and our mistakes. I know that because that's exactly what I'm doing in my coaching business; I may be biased of course but it truly is the best kind of business because you are doing work that you resonate with and are deeply connected to.  Which makes you truly care about getting results for your clients.  The same results you wish someone could have helped you with! And often, we can best help others with the things we’ve experienced and overcome in the past. 

When I transitioned from a brick-and-mortar business to my current business, I learned a lot. The things I learned from that period of my life are exactly the things that led me to what I’m doing today. GOD is using all parts of my story (even the ugliest moments) because NOTHING is wasted in Heaven’s economy. Not a thing!

Ask God to help you mine through your own life and experiences. Seek His help in honestly assessing your strengths, weaknesses, childhood desires, and everything else that makes you the person you are today.

Philippians 1:6 says,

“being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

While this verse specifically refers to the work of salvation offered to us through Christ’s sacrifice, we can trust that God is nurturing the work He’s planted in our lives. Throughout Scripture there are stories of those called by God to do a certain thing, many of whom didn’t see the fulfillment of their work for many years.

As you make plans to start a business, make sure it is rooted and grounded in God. With His help and the proper guidance, you will find a business idea in alignment with your purpose and calling.

Invest in Yourself

Helping people find their God-centered calling is one of the main things my coaching is focused on. I’m dedicated to helping you find your thing, that ONE THING you were created to do. That thing that when you find it, favor opens up for you!

My client Priscilla shared her experience with coaching this past October, which you can view on any my social media pages. During our time working together, I gave her insights to help her streamline her business focus and provided her with help to set up good foundations at home and in her business. But even more importantly, I go through a lot of exercises and coaching sessions with clients like her to help them really grasp what it is God wants them to do. And the mindset traps that may be keeping them stuck. This is what I ended up doing for Priscilla.  I helped her hone in on exactly the thing to focus on that consolidated all her strengths, skills and prior experience.  And even better - focused on a business that perfectly meshed her and her business partner and husband’s skill sets.  They now work beautifully together in tandem, each bringing their strengths to fore in building a powerful brand and business that SERVES their clients and customers well.  When I spoke with Scilla, as I call her, she updated me on so many wonderful things that they had been working on and favor that had opened up in her business, including getting featured in a magazine and booking her highest paying client work ever.  She ended by saying “all of this is as a result of the work we did, Efe.  I am still amazed at how everything is just happening for me and my business right now. God is soo good!’.  She is such evidence that God rewards those who take the step in faith to invest in and step powerfully in their calling, are coachable and DO THE WORK to implement what they are learning. 

Investment in one's self and business opens up divine participation and favor indeed!  This is POWERFUL work that I am honored to do.  And I didn’t even share the amazing work we did in her home and the fruit she has seen there!

Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself by finding a good coach to help you on your journey. You’ll still have to do the work, but your coach will help you identify things that need added attention in your business and your home.  And hiring a coach you're equally yoked with spiritually, ensures that they are not only making sure that what you are doing is in God's will but they help nurture your faith even further.  That is the most fulfilling part of what I do with and for clients. 

Uncover Your “Thing”

When you uncover your calling and operate within it, doors will open and you’ll be on a path to success. Proverbs says that your gift will open doors for you and put you before kings! This is so true. When you invest in finding your unique gifts and calling, it’s the most important work you can do on this side of Heaven.

One day, you’ll have to give an account for how you stewarded the things God gave you. But before you can steward those things well, you have to know what they are!

If you want to succeed in business and at home, uncovering your thing is the ONE thing you need to focus on this year. Hands down.

Talk through Possible Business Ideas

There’s no replacement for market research. Before you spend the time and money launching a business, make sure there’s a need for your business in the current market. Talk through your possible business ideas with others and get their advice.

Proverbs 12:15 reminds us, “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.” Find wise counsel to run your ideas past. If you have a business coach, this is the type of work they can help you with.

It’s so much better to find out in the early stages of planning that your idea isn’t any good and won’t fly.

Prepare to Take Action

There’s no reason to figure out your business idea if you’re just going to sit on it. Once you have an idea, prepare to take action and execute your plan. “Preparation” is my word for the year; I’m preparing myself to receive all that I’ve been envisioning.

Preparation is the key to doing everything you’re called to do. If you’re going to create the business God has planted in your heart and become the woman, wife and mom you’re meant to be while doing it, you must take the time to prepare. You cannot shoulder the weight of it all if you haven’t adequately prepared.

In the New Testament, Jesus says you cannot put new wine in old wineskins or else the old skins will burst. Instead, new wine must be put in new wineskins. Similarly, you cannot build the new thing God has called you to in your old “wineskin.” You have to become a new person - the kind that can HOLD all that God is sending your way.

Business is a sacred calling and a massive responsibility. To carry out your plans, you need to build a new mindset. For starters, you need a 'business owner mindset' instead of an 'employee mindset'. You need to step into that new “wineskin” and become the woman He has created you to be. You need to be the woman who is rooted in her identity, who is rooted in God and His Word, and who has the discipline and organization skills necessary to invest in her own growth. And execute.

Execute Your Plan

All the planning and the preparation in the world mean nothing if you don’t DO IT. Take the plunge and start your business. If not now, then when?

Some people may tell you that now isn’t the right time to start a business. With the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing pandemic, economic turbulence, and now other things happening in our world, many people are trying to just survive.

However, right now is a good time to do more than just survive. I truly believe that you can THRIVE. Lots of people are taking stock of their lives and deciding to live more intentional, fulfilled and meaningful lives.  And not to be morbid, but with all that is going on around us, people are also reckoning with the fact that they may have to give an account for their life sooner rather than later. And they are now taking eternity - and being more purposeful with their lives - seriously.  Additionally, times like these always come with opportunities if you look for them. Did you know that most businesses that have gone on to succeed were started in an economic downturn?  If you’re trying to get a slice of this opportunity-rich time, now is the time to act. Statistics show that there’s been a 40% increase in e-commerce since the start of the pandemic, and the e-learning industry which coaching is a part of is poised to grow to $325bn (billion!) by 2025, making now an opportune time to start an online business.

Nelson Mandela once said, “May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears.”  Your life is limited, so you need to stop postponing your purpose, dreams, and happiness. Live now. Take action today.


As you consider starting a business, think about how your life could be and believe in that (instead of the fears that tell you it won’t work). Know this. If God has called you to it, He will give you the tools you need to rise to your next level in business.

I truly believe that God is calling purpose-driven moms in this generation to break FREE from norms and rise up to their God-given potential. 

You can make a Kingdom impact, create a legacy with eternal consequence, and glorify God in and outside your home. Yes, you CAN!

If you’re ready to live into that calling, I would love to help guide you to freedom. I’m offering a FREE training workshop this month to help moms interested in starting their businesses. It is specifically targeted at moms who want to learn how to craft a PLAN to exit their current job and transition into a business that is uniquely aligned to them, so that they can finally have the freedom, flexibility and fulfillment they desire - and deserve.  

Is that you?  If so, I look forward to helping YOU answer the call God has put on your life. Take a moment and sign up for the workshop here.  If you know anyone else that this is a fit for, please pass this on to them.

Sign up for the masterclass.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST