The Real Truth about Business that Very Few People Talk About

I always knew I wanted to start my own business, even as a young girl living in Ghana, West Africa. When I was young, I learned about Richard Branson and his Virgin Empire after reading his book, Losing my Virginity. I was instantly hooked on the idea of building something of my own.

The journey between that dream and the reality was a long one. It’s a journey with many ups and downs, along with some important lessons learned.

Taking the Leap

Even though I dreamed of starting my own business, I fell into the proverbial rat race and spent years trying to climb my way up the corporate ladder until I gave birth to my second child, a daughter who spent nine weeks in the NICU after being born thirteen weeks early.

I was completely crushed when I had to return to work, knowing that this tiny baby still needed my full attention and affection to thrive. At this point, I realized I needed to get out of the corporate world and embrace my calling as an entrepreneur, if I wanted to experience any semblance of the freedom I craved.

I had a good job (and boss), which made the decision even harder. Yet I knew I had to make a decision based on how I wanted my life to FEEL. I needed to make decisions that would maximize the impact of my legacy, which I’d leave with my children.

I was thrilled that I took the leap, even if I was working harder and making less than before. I knew I had made the right decision to step into my calling and build the business of my dreams. My first business, a ‘paint and wine’ art studio, was recognized in the press for its success and its mission to give back to the community.

The Problem

Unfortunately, things were by no means perfect. It felt good to have control and autonomy over my business, but I didn’t really have control over my time. In fact I worked much harder - and longer - than I ever had before. When our fourth child was born (surprise!), I felt added pressure. I knew how much I was already struggling to keep up with only three kids at home, and so managing everything plus another baby meant I was drowning in everything I had to do.

No matter what I did, I could barely get ahead. I would be physically present with my children, however I was mentally somewhere far away. I always say that a mompreneur is only as happy as her “unhappiest child.” A moment with my daughter served as a wake-up call that my work/home balance was off.

She showed me a picture of our family that she drew at school. There was what looked like a little box next to me, so I asked her what it was. She replied, “I drew you with your laptop because you are always working on it and on your phone.”

O U C H .

I was completely crushed. And in that moment, I knew there had to be a better way to grow my business and nurture my family.

What I was currently doing clearly wasn’t working.

I was determined to figure out a better way.

The Solution

I finally discovered the solution to free up both my time in business and at home. Because the same solution worked in both places, I’m a huge proponent of a HOLISTIC approach to balancing everything in your life.

I realized that if I was going to have some balance in my life, I would have to step back and prioritize. I learned that in business (and at home!), it’s necessary to have the right systems and structures in place. When I put the right structures and systems in place, I had more time to invest in the things that matter the most: my family and my household.

The Right Preparation Can Change Your Business

Whether you’re planning a new business or you’ve been in business for years, it’s important to get the foundation in place before building a business. While it’s never too late to go back and change your business, it’s so much easier to lay the right foundation before the business is built.

If you’re looking at the upcoming year and planning to launch your business, now is the perfect time to learn the systems and structures you need to make your business (and home) thrive. There’s a saying that goes, “If you have six hours to cut a tree, spend four hours sharpening the saw.” As you prepare to start your business, make sure your 'tools' are sharp and ready for the work ahead.

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” When you build your business on a solid foundation, you set yourself up for long-term and sustainable success. And for the Kingdom-driven mompreneur or 'faithpreneur', this also means creating a business that’s kingdom-driven and centered on your God-given calling.

That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook when it comes to putting in hard work and careful planning. Every business needs a solid roadmap before you step into entrepreneurship. In fact, many businesses fail because aspiring entrepreneurs don’t take the time to plan properly. Or invest the time (and money) to equip themselves with the necessary skill sets and tools to run their business well.

Preparing Yourself for Entrepreneurship

Preparation isn’t just about preparing for your business itself. You must also prepare yourself to be the CEO of your business. That means you not only need to learn the tools, knowledge, and systems needed to run a successful business but you also learn the soft skills needed to become the type of woman that can carry all that entrepreneurship entails without compromising themselves or their calling.  Jesus said that you can’t pour old wine into a new wineskin. Similarly, you can’t build a successful Kingdom business without being a Kingdom woman who operates according to Kingdom values and the Kingdom Operations Manual (a.k.a. the Bible :)).  Additionally, you’ll need to know how to do all this without draining yourself or sacrificing quality time with your family.

Before you start your business: STOP, PLAN, and PREPARE. Preparation is such an essential part of growing or scaling your business; coincidentally “PREPARATION” is my word for this year. I am preparing myself to do the work and receive all that I’ve been envisioning for my life in all areas.


Ultimately starting my own business wasn’t just about owning my time, but about fulfilling my purpose. I want to get to the end of my life with the ability to confidently say that I’ve done everything God put me here on earth to do. More importantly, I want to look back and see that I have been the kind of mom He designed me to be. I want to be the kind of mom that my spouse and kids are proud of, like the woman in Proverbs 31:28:

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”

I want to glorify God in and outside of my home by helping others do the same, and being a good steward of all He’s given me.

I want you to think about the deeper reason for your own life. 

What do you want to see when you look back on your life? 

What would you be proud of on your deathbed?

What legacy do you want to leave - for your family, community and the world?

I truly believe that business is about a lot more than just business. It is a sacred calling and responsibility for those who have been called to it, like you and me. If you feel a stirring in your soul to start a business, you might be called to entrepreneurship. Remember, as I discussed in my last blog post, not everyone desires business ownership!

In my next blog post, I’ll be writing about whether or not you should start a business.

Because the real truth about business is that it is not for everyone.  And if you go into it without being properly prepared and READY for it, it will be a very tough journey.

Can you always course-correct when you have already launched and are struggling? Of course, I did it, however it is so much better to go into business better prepared and ready to be CEO and steward of everything that being a business owner entails. 

Take a moment to follow me here on Instagram to get notified – you won’t want to miss this one!


If you want to know what the next best steps are for you to take to realize your dream of business ownership this year, book a 20min "Freedom Activation Call" with me to learn more about my proven framework and process for launching a profitable business while still prioritizing your family and faith!

I’m so passionate about helping moms do work that fulfills them and finances their goals.

Book your complimentary call with me to chat about your goals and next steps, and how I can help you achieve them faster.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST