Why it is Critical that You Master – and Take Charge of – Your Time as a Mompreneur

Why it is Critical that You Master – and Take Charge of – Your Time as a Mompreneur


It’s no secret that mompreneurs have a lot on their plates. However, mastering and taking charge of your time is absolutely critical to the success of your business and the flourishing of your family. 

Your time is a valuable resource and using it wisely is important. Even when you’re putting in long hours to get a new business off the ground, your first and most important calling is as a mother. Therefore, no matter how pressing your business needs, you should not let your business overshadow that calling.

Below are some reasons to remind you why mastering your time is so important.


Business Can Become an Idol

Throughout Scripture we read stories about nations and individuals who set up idols to worship instead of the One True God. The first two of the Ten Commandments are commands against idolatry.

While we don’t necessarily build and worship statues, things in our lives can become idols when we let them take a place of priority they don’t deserve. All too often, people put their work life ahead of their family life, neglecting the emotional needs of their families. In other cases, priorities at work can even take precedence over worship to God.

A great litmus test to determine whether your work has become an idol is an honest reflection of your Sabbath habits. Do you step away from your work for 24 hours every single week to rest? If you cannot get away long enough to enjoy the Sabbath rest commanded by God, your work may be an idol.

Scripture tells us that Sabbath is important as a trust exercise. It is a subversive act that challenges the status quo. Instead of demanding around-the-clock productivity, our God shows sovereignty in our lives by instituting a day of rest.

Managing our time well enables us to take the time to rest accordingly.


Running a Business Takes a LOT of Time

You need to learn how to master your time because running a business takes a LOT of time. This is why it’s so important to be in the right business. If your business doesn’t align with your personal values, you’ll spend a lot of time working on something contrary to the purpose you were created to fulfill. 

It’s also important to make sure you’re working on the right things. If you’re wasting time on things that aren’t pushing your business in the right direction, you have yet to gain mastery over your time.

And that costs you... your time.


Time Management Skills Help You Make the Most of Time 

When you learn time management skills, you’ll be able to make the most of the time you’re working. This allows you to make room for the things that matter most.

Mastery is defined as being able to do something subconsciously or without using a lot of conscious effort. When you master your time, it means you’ve learned how to use time management skills as if they’re second nature. Mastering time allows you to master other areas of your life.  Love the quote below by Peter Drucker!  It’s true.


Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else

- Peter Drucker


Learning to get more done in less time is important, especially with mompreneurs who juggle businesses and households. Make a conscious effort to get rid of things that waste time and fight bad habits like procrastination and distraction.

A huge part of time management involves delegating tasks. As your business grows, hire help to take care of tasks you don’t need to handle. This allows you to free up time for your CEO tasks and quality time with family.


Actions Have Eternal Consequences

What you do today has eternal significance. That includes both your business and your home life. When we meet God face-to-face, we’ll have to give an account of how we stewarded our homes, our money, and our time. That makes you seriously consider how you use the time you’re given! 

I always say the parable of the talents is not just about money.  It’s about all resources, including – and perhaps especially- time. 

In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. In this parable, a man gives his servants different amounts of money. Two of the three find ways to invest the money and make more money for their employer. The third, fearing the risk, buries it and gains no new income. 

When the three servants give an account of what they’ve done, the master is angry at the third servant. The man is condemned and the talent is taken from him and given to one of the other servants.  It is a sobering reminder that we’re called to steward well and use what God has given us to further His kingdom.

This parable isn’t just about how we steward our money. The same goes for our homes, our time, and our lives. We must carefully consider what God wants from us and actually do it. 

As you consider how you’re using your time, it may also help to ask how your kids will remember their childhood. What will they say about their childhood after they’re grown? Will they remember your loving presence or will they note that you were too often absent?

This is what keeps me doing what I do - helping mompreneurs do business and live with the much bigger picture in mind.



You can have a prosperous business and still leave a wonderful legacy for your children. Mastering time is an essential part of being a successful mompreneur. How you steward your time says a lot about your faith, your calling, and your legacy. 

Juggling it all isn’t easy, though. To help busy mompreneurs, I’ve created a FREE 5-day workshop for Kingdom Driven Mompreneurs titled “Blessed & Balanced: How to be THRIVE in Business AND at Home.” I look forward to sharing information that will help you build a purpose-driven business without sacrificing your family time in the process. Find out more about this workshop and sign up here.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST