The ONE thing all high performers have in common

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2018

You know ONE thing all high performers have in common?


I remember watching a documentary on Michael Jackson after his passing and being so struck by the fact that he planned his concerts so meticulously, down to the last detail. I am talking, every little move he made, every “off-the-cuff” remark he made to someone in the audience, the interactions he had with them, everything! I don't know why but it had never occurred to me that all these moments -outside of the actual performance - were all planned beforehand. I assumed they were all spontaneous. But apparently, Michael was very clear about his performance vision and so liked to control and plan for everything. And as we know, THAT is what made his shows so special and made him who he was!

And then I realized this was the same for other high performers as well, from the Beyoncé’s right down to that guy that gives the best public speeches! There is usually a SYSTEM in place to achieve that kind of excellence. It all begins with an INTENTION to deliver the highest quality output and then there is the planning and preparation to realize that desire.  

Intention is defined as "a thing intended; an aim or plan".

Anyone that follows or watches Oprah religiously (I mean, what is a Sunday without a little ‘SuperSoul Sunday’ binge-watching amirite?!) knows that she frequently talks about INTENTION.

How does this relate to you?  Well, what is your intention? Intention as to what you want your life to look like, your overall values and goals, and how you want your days to flow? Once you determine that, then you need a system, along with preparation and action to achieve your desired success. (Side note, if you need some help determining the answers to these questions, stay tuned! That's my jam and I have something coming up soon to help make this process clear for you! :)) 

But I know what you’re thinking! (Because trust me, I get it and think the same :)). This level of planning is hard to do when you have little ones, because we all know how unpredictable they (and life in general) can be.   

And I understand. Life is messy and doesn’t always fit within a neat time box or go as planned. But that shouldn’t stop you from planning.  If you have goals and targets and know what steps you need to accomplish, that is already setting you up for success. Make your plan flexible! So there is room for unexpected things as well as rest and just pure fun.  I mean, no one wants their day too structured, that’s no fun! By leaving room in the plan for rest and unstructured time, when life hits you can adjust on the fly to accommodate and still stay on target.

But a plan is essential! And what I have found works - is having some sort of ROADMAP and goals for your overall life, which then translates to your year(s), months, weeks and DAYs!  And then systematically plan those out, especially your days. 

After all, the 'Secret to your Success lies in your daily routine'.

Planning your day and spending your day efficiently is EVERYTHING when it comes to achieving the success you desire. You need to craft a plan based on your goals and desires for your life; and then have a system to execute on that plan.  

If you haven’t already, DOWNLOAD a copy of my 'Maximize Your Day' Planner here (it is the system I use) to help you make the most of your days, so you can achieve your goals and the life you desire for yourself!



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST