The ONE Change I Made in My Routine that Changed EVERYTHING


The ONE Change I Made in My Daily Routine that Changed EVERYTHING


What if you could change one part of your routine and see amazing results? Over the years, I’ve tried lots of different routines and schedules, but ONE change I made has changed EVERYTHING. It's allowed me to better keep up with the demands that come with being a wife, mom and entrepreneur.  This change has allowed me to build a business and nurture a family, while still keeping my faith front and center.

So what is this change?  I created a morning routine and it changed everything.

Morning routines set the tone for the day. Your morning routine, or lack thereof, affects how your day goes.  Period.  One of the many benefits is that the right routine will help you get more done without feeling completely drained afterward. It restores your soul and prepares you to tackle your mile-long to-do list.



A morning routine is important for your productivity. It gives you the necessary support and foundation to sustain your busy schedule.  

One thing to keep in mind before instituting a morning routine is the importance of being flexible. While you should have an idea of what your morning routine will include, you don’t want to feel like your day is ruined if your morning routine doesn’t go exactly as planned. Because, it probably won't all the time.

What you include in your morning routine will depend on you. Regardless of what you include, it’s important to remain consistent. Your morning routine will become more natural over time. Habits become second nature when they’re repeated over and over. If you want to build a consistent morning routine, actually doing it will make it easier.

As I mentioned earlier, your morning routine sets the tone for the day. How you start your day - daily - will help you reach your goals, grow your business, and minister to your family well.  I know for me personally, when I start off the day on the wrong foot, I am much more crankier than I ought to be :) 


Start the Day with God

The most meaningful part of my morning routine is the time I spend with God. I take time each morning to read my Bible, devotional, worship and pray.  I typically read the corresponding Proverbs for the day as well. (By the way, no matter how long I have been reading Proverbs, I always see and learn something new almost daily!).  My routine includes space for me to reflect on what God is showing me during this devotional time as well. 

Your morning routine may also be a good time for you to express gratitude, journal, or practice any other spiritual, physical and emotional wellness disciplines. 

Some people like to do devotions while eating breakfast or drinking coffee. Others choose to get up early enough that they can spend time with God before breakfast. However you choose to spend this time, it’s important to consistently  carve the time to spend quality time with God each morning.

As moms, however, I know from experience that getting that time in prior to the kids waking up is sooo good (and uninterrupted!).

We are wired to depend on the Holy Spirit and we must feed our spirits DAILY.  Daily. Jesus spent time with the Father so He could be filled up for the day’s tasks. Scripture tells us that He got up while it was still dark, went to a solitary place, and prayed.

If JESUS needed to pray and nurture His relationship with God, then we certainly need to do the same! When we ignore the need to feed our spirits, we’re practically saying that we can do things and face the day through our strength alone.

God wants us to call on Him and do things through the strength of the Holy Spirit. In Zechariah, God speaks through His prophet to Zerubbabel, saying  â€śNot by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.”  All the world’s might doesn’t compare to the power of God’s Spirit.  And thank goodness - that same power is readily available to use when we dedicate our lives to living out God’s will.

When I tend to miss carving out this time with God first thing in the morning, I  totally *feel* the consequences.  I just don't go through my day with the same energy or in the same way at all.  It has become so vital - and such a solid foundation -  for me.  

And listen, let's be real - life happens, and you will get off track sometimes. No worries! Just get back on track quickly.  And don't beat yourself up about it.


Plan Your Day 

After I spend time in Scripture and prayer, I like to use that early morning time to review and plan out my day. One of the most useful tools is my custom planner. It helps me keep track of my tasks and determine the priorities for the day.

As you plan, intentionally block specific time to get tasks done. When you block out certain times to get things done, you know exactly how your to-do list will be accomplished. If you missed my blog post on time blocking, click here to read it; I share more about blocking your time.  A planner and calendar are such useful tools for managing your time.


Other Elements you can Incorporate in Your Morning Routine 

There are tons of things you can use as a guide to build a great morning routine. Here are other things you might include in your morning routine:

  • Stretch and/or exercise
  • Make a healthy breakfast
  • Drink a glass (or more) of water
  • Watch the sun rise as you sip your coffee or tea in quiet
  • Shower, brush teeth, and tend to other hygiene/make-up needs
  • Complete a breathing exercise
  • Write in your journal
  • Meditate
  • Read from a book
  • Listen to a podcast episode
  • Solve a crossword or Sudoku puzzle
  • Write down thoughts with a “brain dump”
  • Make your bed
  • Tend to indoor plants
  • Listen to music
  • Walk your dog
  • Take any morning medications 


Obviously you cannot do all of these things. However, consider which options will most effectively prepare you for the day ahead. As you build your ideal morning routine, try different practices and take note of how they impact your mood, your day and your ability to get things done. Through trial and error, you will find a morning routine that works best for you!



A morning routine powerfully sets the tone for your day. My morning routine is a time to communicate with God and plan my day. I find that the time I spend in God’s Word allows me to make sure that everything else I do  - at home and in my business - is steeped in the Holy Spirit’s leading.

One of my favorite tools for planning my day is my planner. If you’re looking for a great planner to help you maximize your day, my FREE planner may be the right resource for you. In there, I also share my morning routine in detail.  Find out more and download it here.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST