The Key to Getting More Done

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2019

One of the main questions most mompreneurs (really, everyone!) grapple with is how to get more done in our already packed days.

It is a question I have been getting asked a lot and so I wanted to write about what has helped me in today's blog post.

The one thing that has made the most difference for me is having a plan for my day. Period. That is just what it takes.  Waking up and winging it will not cut it.  You need a system.  And for me (and many others) that system is a roadmap (namely a Planner) for the day where you outline what your highest priorities are and plan out how you're going to accomplish them that day.

Benjamin Franklin was right on the money when he said "Failing to plan is planning to fail".  Without having a plan for your day, you are more likely to spin your wheels all day, hapharzardly fighting fires and getting sucked into other people's agendas and their priorities while neglecting yours. You end up doing work that keeps you busy and leaves you drained instead of the important tasks that move the needle the most.

This is why I highly recommend physically writing down your plans for the day in your Planner.

It has been proven that actually writing down your goals and plans on a piece of paper makes you much more likely to accomplish them.  Because it is one thing to think about things you want to do, however actually taking that additional step to write it down solidifies it in your brain and that makes you more likely to remember it, and therefore do it.

After trying many different organizers and not finding exactly what I needed, I decided to create the "Maximize Your Day" Planner which has now become an integral part of my life.

It allows me to create a schedule and have clear direction on what I need to accomplish each day.  This Planner empowers me to start the day with INTENTION and helps me stay focused on what is important.  And that is the game changer that will make all the difference in your business and life.

Click here to download the "Maximize Your Day" planner to turbo-charge your day!  It's a FREE resource that will make a huge difference in your productivity! :)



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST