How to Stay Consistent with Your Responsibilities in Business AND at Home

How to Stay Consistent with Your Responsibilities in Business AND at Home


As a mompreneur juggling ALL the things, cultivating the discipline of consistency is key.


Consistency is one of the most important elements in running a successful business while managing everything at home. Although life as a mompreneur can be chaotic, it’s important to take consistent action toward your goals.


1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” Our steadfastness in the Lord will help us to consistently do the work God has put in front of us.


Knowing you should be consistent and actually having consistency are two separate things. If you need help building consistency, keep reading.  The information below will help you build good habits that help you consistently meet expectations in your business and at home.


Be Realistic

First, make sure your expectations of yourself are reasonable. You cannot do what cannot be done by anyone. It’s unreasonable to expect yourself to complete huge projects with impossible timelines.


This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push yourself. However, it’s important that your goals are grounded in what’s realistically possible for you and your current season of life. You won’t move your business from conception to six figure income overnight. If you’re unsure whether a goal is realistic or not, do some research to see how long it typically takes to get things done.


It is okay to dream big dreams, in fact, I am all for it!  However, those dreams should be long-term goals instead of short-term plans. Your short-term goals should be realistic and they should support your long-term dreams. For example, if your long-term goal is to build a six-figure business, perhaps your short-term goal might be to make your first five thousand dollars in sales.



It’s hard to be consistent when you’re making things harder than they need to be. You might not be consistent if you’re trying to do too many things at once.


One of the best way to simplify your to-do list is by prioritizing tasks. What’s most important? What will move the needle the most? When you know what your business should do, you can create tasks and goals that support that effort.


Sometimes simplifying things means making choices that make your life easier. For example, cooking healthy meals for your family may be a priority. However, you can simplify this task by doing meal prepping and planning once a week.


The same is true in your business. Creating systems and batching tasks can help you get more of the important stuff done in less time. Keep reading for more about systemizing and batching tasks.



Figure out what recurring tasks you have for your business and at home and determine what systems can be put in place to allow you to spend less time on these tasks.


For example, you might systemize your client onboarding emails by creating a series of templates to use. Anything you do more than three times deserves to have a system in place to make it go faster. It may take time to set up, but it will be worth the time saved in the long run.


Sometimes the right system might be delegation. Find someone who can help you take care of business and household tasks. Outsourcing is a great way to take things off your plate, allowing you to consistently perform in your necessary tasks.


Don’t be afraid to outsource household tasks.  A lot of people miss this.  If you’re busy with work, it may be worth the investment to hire someone to clean your home or babysit for a couple hours a week. When your children are old enough, assigning chores allow them to take ownership of your home’s cleanliness (and free up even more time for you).


Batch Tasks 

Save time by grouping similar tasks together. For example, you might plan out all of your social media content for the week in one sitting. Similarly, if you’re planning blog content for your website, you might sit down and plan blog posts for the entire month or even the quarter.  Same thing thing for YouTube or podcasts - you can pre-record a batch ahead of time.


Group recurring tasks together in your schedule/planner. What I do is assign certain days for certain tasks.  When you’re not switching gears constantly, you can focus and get more done.


Stick to Your Planner & Calendar 

Do you ever write a list of goals for the day and realize you only got one or two done? If you want to have consistency, you should make sure you stick to the plans you’ve written down in your planner and calendar. Although emergencies will happen (like a sick kid or an unexpected task), sticking to your plans builds good discipline.


This is especially important if you’re planning on batching tasks and using time blocking. When you create a plan, you’ve determined what things should be done when. Stick to this plan as much as possible to ensure the consistent completion of tasks.


Pray about It

James 1:5 reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” All the planning in the world won’t help if you don’t have the wisdom or motivation to get things done.


When you ask God for these things, He is faithful to provide you with the wisdom and motivation you need. Start each day by praying and ask God what He wants you to do today. He truly *is* interested in the minute details of all of your life and you will be amazed at how He answers. Ask for strength to get it all done.


It’s also helpful to pray about the long-term direction of your life. Whether you’re starting a new business venture or increasing your family, God can help you make the right decisions.



Consistency is essential for success, yet it is all too often difficult to build. The information above will help you make small changes to build consistency in your business and at home. If you are looking for a planner to help you be better about planning out your time and days, download a FREE copy of my custom daily planner here.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST