How to Grow Your Business Quickly – Without Having to Work ALL the Time!

How to Grow Your Business Quickly – Without Having to Work ALL the Time!

Starting a business is a big step, but getting your business off the ground comes with its own set of challenges. Building a successful online business often requires a lot of time and energy. But for mompreneurs, building a business doesn’t have to mean sacrificing quality time at home caring for your family.

If you’re struggling to balance your business, being a mom, and caring for your family, this blog post is for you. Below are my top five tips to help you grow your online business quickly without having to work ALL the time.


  1. Simplify

If you want your business to grow, you need to simplify every part of running your business. One of the best ways to simplify your business is to create the right systems to run your business for you. While creating systems may sound complicated, it’s an important step to help you get essential tasks taken care of without monopolizing your time. 

Take some time to identify and define the roles in your business. Even if you’re doing most of the things to run your business, defining these roles will help you to outsource down the road. Roles may include things like web developer, graphic designer, product production, shipping, customer service, content creation, ad creation, and more.

For each role, write a list of the tasks that need to be performed. Create checklists and timelines to keep everything in order. When it comes time to hire outside help, these lists will help you communicate expectations more easily. 

You may also need to simplify what your business is trying to do. Pick one or two things you want to do and do them really well. This can help you focus your energy where it counts. Instead of being a Jack-of-all-trades, learn to be an expert in your business.  Become known for something!


  1. Determine the Money-Making Activities

You need to know how your business is going to make money. If you’re running an online business, you need to know where money is coming from and what products or services will generate income. What are you selling and how will you sell it?

Once you’ve defined your money-making activities, you can make sure everything else in your business supports those money-making activities. 

For example, the content on your website should push people closer to making a purchase. Your social media posts should help people recognize your brand and generate interest. When it comes time to branding and marketing, they should make people want to spend money on your products or services.


  1. Price Correctly

Pricing correctly is an art, but it’s an essential part of running a successful business. You need to make sure to price high enough to cover all of your expenses, including the cost of hiring help and delegating tasks.  This is what most business owners miss, and what ends up causing overwork and burnout.

Take time to do needed market research. See what your competitors are charging and determine whether that pricing covers your expenses. You don’t want to price things too high or too low. If priced too low, you can lose money. If priced too high, without also clearly elevating the corresponding value, you will struggle to get sales.

Consulting a business coach is helpful for this part of the process. They can give you advice and point you in the right direction as you figure out prices for your products/services.


  1. Make a Plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail.  It is important to plan periodically for your next quarter.  But go even further than that.  Create a roadmap of what your business looks like  not only the next quarter, but next year, and five years down the road. What products and services will you introduce and when? Who will you need to hire to help you scale your business? 

Write details about each stage of your business. This roadmap should tell you what needs to happen and when, as well as who needs to be on-boarded to help you reach your goals. 

While the detailed plan may be in your head, it’s important to take the time to write it all down.

"Write the vision; make it plain on tables, so he may run who reads it" - Habakkuk 2:2

Writing it down will be an essential part of communicating your vision with your team as well as people you hire to help you run your business. With your business roadmap in place, you’ll be able to get people into key roles and move work off your plate. This allows you to focus on what really matters.


  1. Focus & Stay the Course

Business success happens when you take consistent, positive action. The saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” may be a cliché, but the truth of it still rings true. You cannot build something big or successful without putting in the hard work (or hiring the right people to help). 

Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” This verse reminds us that our work today has eternal consequences. When you’re feeling burnt out or unmotivated, remember that what you’re doing should be done as work for the Lord. 

There will be hard days running a business. Tedious tasks and unexpected challenges may cause discouragement. But when you center your business on fulfilling God’s calling on your life, you’ll find the motivation and strength to push through when things get hard.



You don’t have to work around the clock to have a successful online business. You don’t need to sacrifice time with your kids to build something of lasting value. My tips above will help you build systems and hire people to manage your business, allowing you to spend more time taking care of your family, your first priority.


I will be hosting a FREE 5-day workshop titled “Blessed & Balanced: How to THRIVE in Business AND at Home.” This workshop will help you build a purpose-driven, profitable business and a happy family – without having to choose one over the other. Most importantly, I’ll help you do all of it while keeping God and family first in your life. To find out more about my upcoming workshop, click here.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

MAY 5th @ 8.30pm EST