How to Find the Time to Focus on Getting Things Done When You Have Young Kids at Home!

How to Find the Time to Focus on Getting Things Done When You Have Young Kids at Home!

There never seems to be enough time in the day. This is especially true when you have young kids at home. When you have older kids, they’re gone during the day for school. Even when they’re home, they’re often able to entertain themselves for longer periods of time. Newborns and preschoolers, however, need nearly constant attention.

Psalm 91:5-7 tells us,

“Look carefully then how you talk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

We are called to make the best use of the time they have, even when that time is limited because of certain demands.

Below are some tips and tools to help you move your business forward, manage a household, and care for your young children.


Be Realistic & Give Yourself Grace

How much you can get done with a newborn is going to be dramatically different than what you can do with school-aged kids. Make sure to create realistic expectations for yourself. Your goals should take your limited time into consideration. 

You may have to get work done during very small pockets of time, like when your child is taking a nap or sleeping for the night. Carefully consider how much time you actually have available and make realistic plans to get things done.   

Giving yourself grace and having realistic expectations when planning out your work avoids the frustration that occurs when you don’t accept your current season’s limitations and plan to bite off more than you can chew. Which leaves you feeling ‘behind’, inadequate and stressed.


Work on the RIGHT Things

It’s critical to only work on the right things for your business. I call them your “CEO Tasks”. These are things that will push your business toward profitability. These tasks can only be done by you. Other tasks can be outsourced, freeing up your time to work on the tasks essential to running your business. 

When you’re working with less time, strategic planning is absolutely essential. You cannot do everything, so you must make sure you’re doing the right things.



Focusing when you have a young child may seem impossible. It may help to have a designated area to work during the little moments you have to get things done. As your child gets older, he or she can learn that this space is where you go when you’re working.

Pay attention to what times of day you have more energy and better focus. Plan your most important tasks during the parts of the day when you feel the most energy.

This is an area where seeking guidance may help. Although Proverbs 31 paints a picture of a woman who does it all, it’s important to remember that “doing it all” sometimes means delegating tasks and seeking wise counsel.


Find a Mentor or Coach

Finding the right mentor or coach can help you determine how to spend your time. They can give you advice about what tasks will help your business grow in profitability and which tasks can be delegated. 

It’s helpful to find a coach with similar values and experience. Mompreneurs have a different set of challenges than other entrepreneurs, so it’s helpful to find a coach who has navigated those waters already. Your coach should know how to handle those pressures and have the same core values as you.


Build Healthy Routines

Pick a consistent time to get work done. Whether that’s early in the morning or late at night, make sure everyone in the family knows that’s your time to work. If possible, have your spouse or older children support you by taking care of household tasks and keeping an eye on younger children during this time. 

Picking a time and sticking to it is important. Even though you may not always feel like working at that time, consistently putting effort into your business is essential to growth.


Create a List of “Mini Tasks” 

When planning tasks for your business, write a list of “mini tasks” that can be completed in a few minutes. Use your spare minutes to complete these tasks. Whether you’re waiting at an appointment or stealing a few minutes while your child is occupied, these mini tasks can help you get stuff done with what little time you have.

Don’t just list big tasks. Break big tasks into the smallest bite-sized action items. When you have a spare minute or two, try to check at least one of these items off your list.


Batch & Time Block 

I talk a lot about the importance of batching tasks and blocking time. Put together similar tasks so you aren’t wasting your energy switching between tasks. When you have longer blocks of time, use the time for focused work.

If you do the same things at the same time each week, it will be easier to streamline your to-do list. For example, you might use Mondays to create your social media content for the week. Daily routines can help you care for your home, daily business tasks, and taking care of your family.


Use a Planner

Concentration is difficult when you have young children at home, so you should not rely on your ability to remember everything. Use a planner to write down things that need to be done. This can guide you when you have to jump into work while your child is sleeping or otherwise occupied.

If you need a good planner, my FREE printable planner can help you maximize your day and take care of the things that are important to you. Download it here.


Don’t Neglect Self-Care

You’ll have more energy to take care of tasks when you take time to take care of yourself. There’s a saying that you can’t pour from an empty cup. While this is cliché, the truth remains: you cannot care for others if you aren’t caring for yourself.

Take time for devotions, hobbies, and quality time with family. Your time at rest is important for your productivity at work.


Pause & Enjoy This Time 

This season is what it is. Even though things are hectic, make sure you’re carving out time to spend with your kids. Enjoy the little moments. And by the way, train your children in appropriate behavior, so that time spent with them is more enjoyable then stressful.

Your kids will grow up far too fast. It’s true what they say: the days are long, but the years are short. Make sure you’re spending time enjoying your family, even when you’re putting in the work to get your business off the ground.



Getting things done with young children at home is a challenge faced by mompreneurs around the world. The tips and tricks above will help you get things done with little bursts of work throughout the day.



Blessed & Balanced: How to build a profitable business in less than 15hrs a week (so you can be present and steward your home well)

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