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Coaching and Consulting Services
My mission is to equip and empower you with the knowledge and tools that will help you build the business and home life you desire.
I truly believe that we can have it all, without sacrificing one thing for the other. And my work and coaching is centered around helping make this reality true for you.
Whether you need a quick session to get you moving in the right direction, a supportive community to keep you going, or a customized private option you’ll find an option to meet your needs below!
It is my sincere hope that one or more of the resources below serve you well.

Work Directly With Me

Strategy Session
Book a single 90-minute customized 'Plan For FREEDOM' strategy session to get clarity (around any issue) and create a clear & concise action plan to achieve your business or life goal.

Private 1:1 Coaching
Work privately with me 1:1 in a customized package based on your unique business and/or life needs. Book a free 20-min consultation to discuss your options and how I can help you check off your goal(s).

Study At Your Own Pace
Not quite ready for 1:1 coaching yet?
Enroll in one of the step-by-step self-study online courses below
The work in this module is so powerful - this is where you start to build a strong foundation by really leaning in and reflecting on how your unique make up and experiences converge in order to shape your purpose and calling for this season.
Remember that your life and business is under your domain. You have the authority to live life and operate your business how you choose. You have the choice! Choose to partner with God in deciding what and how that looks like. That is the key to divine success and the competitive advantage you have over other business owners who are not in Christ.
Enroll Now!I cannot stress enough the importance of partnering with God in your business and making that the foundation of your business (and life). That will be the underlying theme in this module in addition to the business principles, strategies and tactics I share.
Business ownership is hard enough as it is.. ultimately it's going to take a person that is ready and can endure the ups and downs that come with it...
...and the person that has God as her business partner - and solid foundation - has a significant competitive advantage!
Enroll Now!In this module, between the video lessons and the worksheets you will:
Learn how to manage your home like A BOSS and make it into a happy haven - one you and your loved ones LOVE and enjoy being in.
And One Where God is Reflected.
Because, mama, your home is your first and most important ministry - and priority.

I am so grateful that I took the leap and booked Efe as my business coach. Her KingdomMBA coaching program is transformational! Her perspective and insight on how to streamline the systems in my business have been invaluable. The fact that her approach is so holistic and targets not only your business but also planning to meet the needs of your family, faith and health is such a refreshing twist on traditional business courses and coaching programs. Knowing her experience in her own businesses and as a mum of four kids, I could relate to her practical advice on multiple levels. I could not recommend her more. I am so glad to be on this entrepreneurial adventure with her.
Priscilla Adei-Cardwell
Surface Pattern Designer & Owner of Cardwell and Ink

Working with Efe in her KingdomMBA coaching program has completely transformed my home! I feel like I am achieving something little every day. And I am experiencing more 'win days'! I am much calmer, happier and a much more present mom - and my kids have noticed and commented on my transformation and the changes in the home! There have been so many positive changes, it's hard to list them all but some of the most notable ones are that our family is coming together to eat dinners as a family, which we haven't been able to do in forever! AND I have somehow found time in my previously hectic schedule to take time to myself to rest and recharge on a weekly basis! Without anything falling apart! I just feel a huge weight off my shoulders, not just at home but even in my responsibilities at church (as I am the Children's ministry leader). Generally we are so much happier as a family now. And the kids now have more fun and free time, while still having routines to keep them consistent. These positive effects have gone beyond my home. Even my friends have seen the progress I've made and are so proud and happy for me. And it's been nice to be able to just have more time to spend with them. Her coaching curriculum and materials are fantastic and such a blessing - they are really thorough, thought provoking and most importantly, scipturally backed! I LOVE doing the work! They are SO good! I am so blessed to be doing the work so that I can continue to LIVE FULLY and do right by the gifts God has put in me and by my family and generations to come. Thank you oh so much for your support and efforts Efe. May God continue to bless the work of your hands and continue to give you favour and ideas as you support mums around the world to realize their full potential. You are truly a Godsend and a dream. Stay blessed!
Marisca Folson
Preschool Manager & Mompreneur, Akoma Designs

I catch myself remembering nuggets from our sessions, both over the one on one phone call as well as through the 5 day training course on Facebook, and smile to myself. And I have seen how that input has positively impacted my business. Efe gave me specific pointers regarding the possibilities of growth in my hospitality business in Ghana, much needed tips especially coming out of the Covid 19 crisis. Her patience, guidance and insight have been immensely helpful and very much appreciated and I would definitely recommend her training module to anyone.
Habibah Nicholas
CEO, Rufus Green Parks

Efe is masterful in helping navigate purpose with all the other demands that come with being a wife, mom, and business owner. Her experienced success has given her tools to help make doing all the things doable. I so enjoyed attending her workshop and getting gems to help make being a business owner a little easier.
Michele Wilson
Personal Trainer/Mompreneur

My experience in Efe's workshop was beyond amazing! I got so many insights on how to get organised and be more productive in my business. She dished out so much loaded and insightful content in one week it felt like she was giving away her whole course for free. I had a lot of takeaways. What also struck me the most was the passion with which she delivered her sessions. Being a new coach myself, I was really motivated and inspired to go out there and be visible.
Rachel Hore

I am so glad I took the time to participate in Efe's last Masterclass! Not only does she mean business, she will also help you with your own business lol! It's so encouraging to see that she is successful in her business while prioritizing God and her family at all times! We can all benefit from her knowledge and passion, I look forward to using her services and workshops in the future! If you need a boost to help you reach your potential, I'd highly recommend Efe!
April Kerr
Usborne Books Team Leader
I truly enjoyed the workshops run by Efe and it remains one of the best decisions I made. There were simple yet poignant nuggets to help with the every day momtrepreneur or aspiring one. There was so many gold nuggets shared throughout the five day series. I left feeling empowered and believing really I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..Thank you for your time Efe and God continue to bless you and what you do❣️❤🙏
Ohemaa Appiah

Efe's 5-day workshop was a lot of fun and filled with practical teachings and examples that any mompreneur can apply to their business. She has a genuine passion and love to pour into others all that she knows and that can be felt right through. She truly cares about her Kingdom mission and the moms she's helps.
Okwa Blessing Ofem
Brand Strategist / Mompreneur

Efe's workshop series was totally enjoyable, and I learned a lot in a comfortable environment. Efe is very knowledgeable, and her style of presentation is simple and practical. I enjoyed the weeklong program and looked forward to every session. The assignments helped drive home the teaching, they were totally amazing. Awesome material. The content was relevant and well presented. You are an asset to your generation, Efe. The world is your oyster, claim it! Be well!
Evelyn Kwakye (Mrs.)
It’s been a joy to meet regularly with Efe in a business building mastermind group. Efe brings to the table her valuable business experience and training. She’s a great listener, and consistently contributes relevant gems of practical, business building wisdom. Thank you, Efe! I believe other women entrepreneurs will benefit tremendously from your partnership as a friendly, insightful business coach.
Cynthia Sugar

"The “Maximize your day” planner has been so helpful in streamlining my day in order of priorities. Being a wife, mum, and business owner, it is essential to be able to clearly map out and schedule you time as I truly believe that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Being in the graphic design and illustration industry means that my schedules are very fluid from day to day. As a result, the planner has been a great way to visually organise my day as well as a reminder as I embark on each day that the goals, I am aiming for are built by intentionally planning step by step. It has also been invaluable to be able to look back and see the milestones that have been achieved as time goes by. I also love good stationery design so the clean and elegant look of the “Maximize your day” planner has made it a delight to incorporate in my workflow.
Priscilla Adei-Cardwell
Owner & Designer, Cardwell and Ink

I LOVE this!! Thank you!! I've been utilizing it for the past couple days. I love how it has a section for 'My # 1 Thing' and 'Daily Fundamentals' like eating, sleeping, etc. AMAZING TOOL!
Erica Davila
Owner, Styling by Erica Davila
Incorporating Efe's "Maximize Your Day" Planner into my daily routine has been the catalyst for my business growth. Prior to using it, I was burning the candle on both ends and close to giving it all up...now, I am clear what my priorities are and ensure that my daily actions are aligned with my overall goals. Thank you Efe!!
Heather C.
Owner, Entertainment Franchise
After booking a couple consulting sessions with Efe and talking through the many ideas I had, I have so much more clarity and confidence in pursuing a new business. I am no longer second-guessing myself as I now have a plan in place and know exactly how to proceed. Her coaching, strategy and direction were invaluable! I feel so much more sure of myself and confident that I am moving in the right direction. I look forward to continuing to work with her!
Theresa T.
Banker / Entrepreneur
what clients are saying:
Listen to KingdomMBA client Priscilla Cardwell share a little about her journey through the program and her experience working with me.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I want to work with you, I'm just not sure which of the two options is the best fit?
Q: Do you only work with certain types of business owners?
Q: I don't own a business yet. Can I still work with you?
Q: I am not a Christian. Can I still work with you?
Q: I am not a mom. Can I still work with you?
Q: Are there any other ways to work with you?
completely different life
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